Michele Ferretti - King's College London

PyCon Nove - Florence, 19th-22nd April 2018


  • Beginners most welcome!
  • Advanced users most welcome!


  • Formats!

  • Coordinate Reference Formats!

  • Analysis!

  • Visualization!

What is Geographic Data? (and why should I care)

Any data with a location component.

  • We can use geodata to analyze and/or visualize any event that happens somewhere on the Earth!
  • Many different types, but can be grouped in two categories: vector vs raster data.


  • Points: crime events, pollution samples, social-media check-ins..
  • Lines: GPS traces, streets, social networks...
  • Polygons: Country boundaries, Census tracts, catchment areas...


Most of the time you'll work with Vector data...so let's skip Rasters for now!


Composed by (at least) three files:

  • .shp= Contains the actual geometries (Points, Lines, Polygons...)
  • .dbf = dBASE file contains the attribute information table in standard DBF format
  • .shx= Indexing file for look-ups etc..

Optional, but quite important is:

  • .prj = contains the data projection (more on this later...)

“80% of successful GIS work is having a good folder structure” @Shapefile


  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) superset (Easily understood by Javascript!)
  • "Supports geometry types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon. Additional properties are Feature objects. Sets of features are contained by FeatureCollection objects"
  • Geoweb De facto standard, e.g. Github

Other formats

  • Mapbox Vector Tiles = The (relatively) new kid on the block! MPX Tile Spec

  • QA Tiles = "OpenStreetMap data as Mapbox Vector Tiles in an MBTiles file for data analysis" mbtiles-spec

  • Keyhole Markup Language (KML) = Good 'ol Google Earth!

  • GeoTIFF = Geo-referenced imagery

  • ADRG, Digital raster graphic (DRG), ECRG, ECW, Esri grid, IMG, JPEG2000, MrSID, netCDF-CF, RPF, CADRG, CIB, AutoCAD DXF, Cartesian coordinate system (XYZ), Digital line graph (DLG), Esri TIN , Geography Markup Language (GML), GeoMedia, ISFC, MapInfo TAB format, National Transfer Format (NTF), Spatialite, Simple Features, SOSI, Spatial Data File, TIGER, Vector Product Format (VPF), Grid formats (for elevation), USGS DEM, GTOPO30, DTED, SDTS, Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME), Geographic Data Files (GDF) , GeoPackage (GPKG), Well-known text (WKT), Well-known binary (WKB), World file


  • Whole planetary dataset makes for ~over 846 GB uncompressed (60.7 GB bzip2-compressed) Planet.OSM Wiki.
  • ODBL License
  • You can also find extracts for individual continents, countries, and metropolitan areas! (e.g. Geofabrik.de )
  • Or you can query individual features using the awesomeOverpass API

In [49]:
import overpass
import json

api = overpass.API()
area_name = "Firenze"
query = """area[name="{}"]->.a;(node["amenity"="restaurant"](area.a);<;);""".format(area_name)
response = api.Get(
{"features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.224469, 43.9144118], "type": "Point"}, "id": 114905303, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "created_by": "Texpo", "name": "Oreste Campagna"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2168797, 43.9084707], "type": "Point"}, "id": 115488217, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "created_by": "Texpo", "name": "Lago di Legri"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4238324, 44.0746595], "type": "Point"}, "id": 290089472, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "898", "addr:street": "Moscheta", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "grill;local;buschenschank", "name": "Badia di moscheta"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3933372, 43.79001], "type": "Point"}, "id": 300687966, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Lo Spiedo Girato"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2540587, 43.7732733], "type": "Point"}, "id": 335926924, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "15/r", "addr:postcode": "50123", "addr:street": "Piazza dell'Olio", "amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Fiaschetteria Nuvoli", "opening_hours": "Mo-Sa 08:00-21:00", "phone": "+390552396616"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2664312, 43.7711916], "type": "Point"}, "id": 335930294, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Il Cibreo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2013555, 43.691909], "type": "Point"}, "id": 336738041, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Trattoria la Baracchina"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4221087, 43.7702791], "type": "Point"}, "id": 339685230, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "La Bottega di Rosano"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.0945662, 43.7809796], "type": "Point"}, "id": 402524770, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "La Panoramica"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.0975732, 43.7799214], "type": "Point"}, "id": 402524773, "properties": {"addr:city": "Signa", "addr:country": "IT", "addr:housenumber": "3", "addr:street": "Via Egisto ferroni", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Da Foffo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.0957518, 43.7762797], "type": "Point"}, "id": 402574092, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4354664, 44.1216818], "type": "Point"}, "id": 403872071, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Da Iolanda"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9126048, 43.5534191], "type": "Point"}, "id": 413993382, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3851628, 43.5539087], "type": "Point"}, "id": 429959503, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Villa San Michele", "tourism": "hotel"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1347105, 43.8215809], "type": "Point"}, "id": 443635867, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "L'intingolo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1336829, 43.8241785], "type": "Point"}, "id": 443635870, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Da Rodolfo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4427967, 43.6108909], "type": "Point"}, "id": 443931786, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4494756, 43.6113333], "type": "Point"}, "id": 443931936, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1553997, 43.8769422], "type": "Point"}, "id": 456822663, "properties": {"addr:city": "Calenzano", "addr:housenumber": "10", "addr:postcode": "50041", "addr:street": "Via Macia", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Ristorante di Travalle"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2507167, 43.7889536], "type": "Point"}, "id": 457713078, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Cipiglio"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2416544, 43.7931272], "type": "Point"}, "id": 468096474, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Laterna Blu"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2466034, 43.7745959], "type": "Point"}, "id": 468096509, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "La Grotta di Leo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2601442, 43.7866215], "type": "Point"}, "id": 468096529, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Panta Rei", "opening_hours": "We-Mo 19:00-24:00"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2499572, 43.7866757], "type": "Point"}, "id": 468096577, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "asian", "name": "Buona Fortuna"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2503489, 43.7730881], "type": "Point"}, "id": 468096607, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "al Trebbio"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2334541, 43.7867432], "type": "Point"}, "id": 471496022, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Senzanome"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3753911, 43.7388601], "type": "Point"}, "id": 474993428, "properties": {"addr:city": "Bagno a Ripoli", "addr:street": "Via Ponti di Millo", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "email": "info@nuovoranch.it", "name": "Nuovo Ranch", "opening_hours": "solo la sera chiuso luned\u00ec", "outdoor_seating": "yes", "takeaway": "no"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1037725, 43.6725435], "type": "Point"}, "id": 496489091, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Il Focolare"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.08476, 43.6644704], "type": "Point"}, "id": 496491175, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Il Mezzo Marinaio"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.8905558, 43.5738654], "type": "Point"}, "id": 529715295, "properties": {"addr:city": "Montaione", "addr:country": "IT", "addr:housenumber": "16", "addr:postcode": "50050", "addr:street": "Via Mura", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "tuscan", "name": "Ristorante il Caminetto"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1730524, 43.7388494], "type": "Point"}, "id": 538784387, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Anastasia"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2649092, 43.7619724], "type": "Point"}, "id": 543736101, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "La Loggia"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4639668, 43.7022768], "type": "Point"}, "id": 583524533, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Dot.Com", "wheelchair": "no"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2429045, 43.7750808], "type": "Point"}, "id": 589084736, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "La Rotonda"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2832892, 43.7870735], "type": "Point"}, "id": 590526978, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Osteria God\u00f2"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2119915, 43.7936062], "type": "Point"}, "id": 590537269, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Pizzeria Pizzaman"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2568912, 43.783195], "type": "Point"}, "id": 595635453, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "greek", "name": "Odissea", "name:el": "\u039f\u03b4\u03cd\u03c3\u03c3\u03b5\u03b9\u03b1"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2541025, 43.7790596], "type": "Point"}, "id": 595642611, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Il giardino di Barbano", "operator": "Forasiepi Giancarlo & C. s.n.c.", "phone": "+39 055 486752"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1797421, 43.5648443], "type": "Point"}, "id": 600260593, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Trattoria la Regina"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.528767, 43.6754766], "type": "Point"}, "id": 601662167, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Stagnino"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2147281, 43.9603175], "type": "Point"}, "id": 615046353, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "La Bottega del Cornocchio"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2137028, 43.9460808], "type": "Point"}, "id": 615049978, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Da Gianni"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.234656, 43.8638402], "type": "Point"}, "id": 618779290, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Ristorante Vecciolino"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3191182, 43.7522244], "type": "Point"}, "id": 619481911, "properties": {"addr:city": "Bagno a Ripoli", "amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1858649, 43.793932], "type": "Point"}, "id": 623913279, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Trattoria da Burde"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.8713295, 43.5602058], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377515, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Castellare di Tonda"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.8801369, 43.5836868], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377524, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Trattoria Il lago"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.8983459, 43.5788887], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377530, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Casa Masi"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9543623, 43.5395033], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377535, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Risorante Pizzeria Pinchiorba"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9277612, 43.5194865], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377542, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Pizzeria Le tre case"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9566837, 43.5398864], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377550, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Pizzeria Non sul Collo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9553226, 43.5409038], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377554, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Pizzeria Rimondino"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.944906, 43.5327269], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377559, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "La Montagnola"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9470582, 43.5335068], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377567, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Al Mirador della Catalana"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9555447, 43.541925], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377576, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Il Castagno"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9130954, 43.5532441], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377579, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Osteria del Pesce Rosso"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9055704, 43.5580217], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377584, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "La Tavernetta"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9141307, 43.5520039], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377585, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Carpe Diem"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9145419, 43.5518679], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377588, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "L'Erasmus"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9122951, 43.5534228], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377594, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Pizzeria Corte Antica"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9537779, 43.5522743], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377600, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Borgoforte"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9893792, 43.5908654], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377605, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Bowling Samarcanda"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9681039, 43.6003236], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377609, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Il tulipano", "wheelchair": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.961499, 43.6133663], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377615, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Pizzeria"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9762358, 43.6055122], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377630, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Pizzeria Renai"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9655371, 43.6055515], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377637, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Pizzeria di l\u00e0 dal Ponte"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9697756, 43.6064357], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377645, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Pizzeria Tavola Calda Patrizia"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9696364, 43.6036512], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377653, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Pizzolando"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9702556, 43.6044379], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377658, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante Pizzeria da Carlo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9685789, 43.6052763], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377661, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Osteria La Magona"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9661689, 43.6141626], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377676, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Circolo ARCI \"Puppino\""}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9653872, 43.6135948], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377679, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Special Pizza"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9666819, 43.5974056], "type": "Point"}, "id": 638377686, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Pizzeria Volterrani", "wheelchair": "limited"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.0152276, 43.6235675], "type": "Point"}, "id": 646575070, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Il Gazebo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1689199, 43.6385176], "type": "Point"}, "id": 650293952, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "La Botte"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.0351523, 43.7189079], "type": "Point"}, "id": 650396317, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Trattoria del Turbone"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1652679, 43.6457054], "type": "Point"}, "id": 651307878, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Alimentari Trattoria"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2542633, 43.7684227], "type": "Point"}, "id": 660479091, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Buca dell'Orafo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2551024, 43.7735128], "type": "Point"}, "id": 660479093, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "8", "addr:street": "Piazza di San Giovanni", "amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Buca di San Giovanni"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.244652, 43.796999], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715021298, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "da Franco"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.243279, 43.8073266], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715021398, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Le Gore"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2422486, 43.8043799], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715021411, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2490314, 43.8070388], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715021444, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2492567, 43.8059316], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715021523, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2410756, 43.7963599], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715759082, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "4 mori"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2717005, 43.7868162], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715788359, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2715503, 43.787126], "type": "Point"}, "id": 715788360, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2337145, 43.7945697], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750009161, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "Pizza Man"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2459128, 43.7991423], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750009192, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "name": "I sette peccati", "wheelchair": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.240219, 43.7968711], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750009280, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Dalmazia"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2335345, 43.8104477], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750009510, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2408102, 43.8066393], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750009578, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Trattoria Pinco Pallino"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2636149, 43.7840325], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750017278, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "2", "amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Perseus"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2729502, 43.7838624], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750017552, "properties": {"addr:street": "Viale dei Mille", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "japanese", "name": "Wabi Sabi"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2771238, 43.7833899], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750017564, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2720276, 43.7833899], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750017604, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2723494, 43.7834054], "type": "Point"}, "id": 750017607, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9267, 43.7877923], "type": "Point"}, "id": 762502635, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Il Ristoro del Museo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4166885, 44.069511], "type": "Point"}, "id": 763212309, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Da santina"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [10.9280728, 43.4926412], "type": "Point"}, "id": 766462663, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "2", "addr:street": "Via Volterrana", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Il Castagno", "payment:mastercard": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2452572, 43.7247494], "type": "Point"}, "id": 796778857, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Vecchia Scodella"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4869176, 44.1748648], "type": "Point"}, "id": 800579108, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, 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in der N\u00e4he."}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.5289678, 43.6966909], "type": "Point"}, "id": 1888749565, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1932129, 43.7537738], "type": "Point"}, "id": 1912786295, "properties": {"addr:city": "Scandicci", "addr:postcode": "50018", "addr:street": "Piazza Marconi", "amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Pizzeria Bartolozzi", "phone": "+39 055 2591351", "wheelchair": "yes", "wheelchair:description": "Il bagno per Disabili si trova ad un metro all'esterno della pizzeria"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2403638, 43.7564119], "type": "Point"}, "id": 1912984664, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "89r", "addr:postcode": "50124", "addr:street": "Via Senese", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Trattoria Ruggero", "source": "local_knowledge"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2416369, 43.7599094], "type": "Point"}, 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With help it is possible to enter from the back."}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.149392, 43.854429], "type": "Point"}, "id": 1995571276, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2517381, 43.7741617], "type": "Point"}, "id": 2083632921, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Trattoria La Madia", "phone": "+39 055 218563"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4398681, 44.0955516], "type": "Point"}, "id": 2108976770, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "2", "addr:street": "via casetta di Tiara", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional", "name": "Ristorante da Sonia", "source": "Bing"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1749726, 44.0098053], "type": "Point"}, "id": 2109980539, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Circolo S.Michele", "phone": "+39 055 841035;+39 333 1720072;+39 320 9063486"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": 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19:30-22:30", "outdoor_seating": "yes", "takeaway": "no"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2492332, 43.7682992], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5513759621, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Ristorante il Cantinone"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.5248242, 43.8910019], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5525368484, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "name": "I' Ghiottone"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3007748, 43.6548257], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5531715974, "properties": {"addr:city": "Greve in Chianti", "addr:street": "Via Jacopo da Strada", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "pizza", "delivery": "no", "name": "Giardino di Strada", "opening_hours": "Tu-Su 19:00-23:00", "takeaway": "yes", "wheelchair": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2728992, 43.7706058], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5533937524, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "140", "addr:street": "Via Vincenzo Gioberti", "amenity": "restaurant", "name": "Osteria del Cocotrippone", "phone": "0552347527"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2493524, 43.5801558], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5547388635, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "La Cantinetta Di Passignano", "outdoor_seating": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.247274, 43.5780243], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5547388636, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Ristoro l'Antica Scuderia", "outdoor_seating": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2459356, 43.5768507], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5547388637, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian", "name": "Osteria di Passignano", "outdoor_seating": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.5374413, 43.7000629], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5547896124, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "68", "addr:street": "Ponte di Caslino", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian;fish;diner", "name": "Ristorante Archimede"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3672302, 43.7829177], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5547970824, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "59", "addr:street": "Via di Rosano", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian;seafood;fish", "name": "Acquacheta"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4694131, 43.8524878], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5548013421, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "65", "addr:street": "Via della Vittoria", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "diner;pizza;italian_pizza", "name": "Acone"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.203855, 43.7959678], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5548027822, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "2", "addr:street": "Via Pistoiese", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "diner;seafood;italian_pizza", "name": "Aloisus"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4711755, 43.7511958], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5550857021, "properties": {"addr:street": "Via Aretina 46", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian_pizza;diner;regional", "name": "Francesco"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3306035, 43.7581092], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5552533022, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "22", "addr:street": "Via di Rimaggio", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian;regional;diner", "name": "Trattoria Donnini"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2593012, 43.7759428], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5555208021, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "78r", "addr:street": "via Alfani", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "fish;fine_dining;seafood;regional", "name": "Skipper"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2353051, 43.7495585], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5555214542, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "160", "addr:street": "Via Senese", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "diner;italian_pizza;regional", "name": "Pipistrello"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.256491, 43.7829561], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5557772222, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "chinese", "name": "Osir"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2946158, 43.8070754], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5560324322, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "indian", "name": "India"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2685501, 43.7689305], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5560324323, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian_pizza;local", "name": "Le Murate"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2931216, 43.8069438], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5560324522, "properties": {"amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "grill;local;steak_house", "name": "Perseus"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1744706, 43.7622422], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561067322, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "38", "addr:street": "Via Gaetano Donizetti", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian_pizza;seafood;fish", "name": "L\u2019Aragosta"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4283064, 43.7703239], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561071422, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "20", "addr:street": "Via di Rosano", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "local;pizza", "name": "La Torre"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.4774795, 43.8260773], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561085821, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "28", "addr:street": "Via Colognolese", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian;local", "name": "La Casellina"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2193778, 43.7109032], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561091521, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "50", "addr:street": "Via della Repubblica", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian_pizza;local", "name": "La Capricciosa"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2651628, 43.7728789], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561103021, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "1", "addr:street": "Via Luigi Carlo Farini", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "diner;international", "name": "Il Sedano Allegro", "name:it": "Il Sedano Allegro (cucina ebraica)"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.190856, 43.7537713], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561125921, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "33", "addr:street": "Via Dante", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "steak_house;local;grill", "name": "La Braceria"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.5047496, 43.9265138], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561137021, "properties": {"addr:street": "Localit\u00e0 Rossoio", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian_pizza;local", "name": "Il Caldentino"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.384028, 43.5985755], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561147721, "properties": {"addr:street": "Strada Provinciale Chianti-Valdarno", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "local;italian;grill", "name": "Il Dudda"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2337669, 43.791918], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5561147722, "properties": {"addr:street": "Via Antonio Pigafetta", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "italian_pizza;local", "name": "I Ciri B\u00e8"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.1424599, 43.7485548], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5562839521, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "5", "addr:street": "Via di Calcinaia", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "local;sandwich;buschenschank", "name": "Antica Pizzicheria San Martino"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2661635, 43.8858672], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5562845721, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "2383", "addr:street": "Via di Paterno", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "local;buschenschank", "name": "Antica Trattoria di Paterno"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2829181, 43.7759438], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5562951421, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "4", "addr:street": "Viale Malta", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "steak_house;italian_pizza;burger", "name": "Aviazione"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2261347, 43.7906184], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5562964022, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "53", "addr:street": "Via di Novoli", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "sushi;chinese", "name": "Bamboo"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.2580455, 43.7680824], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5562979821, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "16", "addr:street": "Via della Mosca", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "regional;buschenschank;diner", "name": "Benvenuto"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 5569930933, "properties": {"addr:housenumber": "93", "addr:street": "Viale Dante", "amenity": "restaurant", "cuisine": "local;italian", "name": "Il Palagio", "name:it": "Fattoria il Palagio"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 78328019, "properties": {"building": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 78328020, "properties": {"building": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 109770092, "properties": {"building": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 112763071, "properties": {"building": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 170317241, "properties": {"building": "apartments"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 272730784, "properties": {"building": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 279796626, "properties": {"building": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}, {"geometry": {"coordinates": [11.3643564, 44.0048442], "type": "Point"}, "id": 314476107, "properties": {"building": "yes"}, "type": "Feature"}], "type": "FeatureCollection"}
In [50]:
data_path = "data/restaurants.geojson"
with open(data_path,"w") as output:

How to work with geodata? Enter GeoPandas!

  • Extends pandas: tabular data understands geography!
  • geometry columns encodes geometric features with shapely data structures
In [51]:
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
restaurants = gpd.read_file(data_path)
In [96]:
payment:american_express payment:visa building geometry
0 None None yes POINT (11.3643564 44.0048442)
1 None None yes POINT (11.3643564 44.0048442)
2 None None yes POINT (11.3643564 44.0048442)
3 None None yes POINT (11.3643564 44.0048442)
4 None None None POINT (11.224469 43.9144118)

Coordinate Reference Systems!

In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City, and the map of the Empire, the entirety of a Province. In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guilds struck a Map of the Empire whose size was that of the Empire, and which coincided point for point with it - L.Borges, "Del rigor en la ciencia"



...each one carries a trade-off!


Which one to use?

(Obligatory XKCD reference #1)

How to deal with CRS (from a python perspective)?

In [97]:
# Let's check if the data already has a CRS
{'init': 'epsg:4326'}
In [54]:
# Hooray! The data is projected in The World Geodetic System 1984
# CRS is useby GPS. Longitude and latitude are in decimal degrees. 
proj_restaurants = restaurants.to_crs({"init":"epsg:3857"})
In [55]:
0    POINT (1265074.367641279 5466191.865034976)
1    POINT (1265074.367641279 5466191.865034976)
2    POINT (1265074.367641279 5466191.865034976)
3    POINT (1265074.367641279 5466191.865034976)
4    POINT (1249502.173504885 5452206.751375701)
Name: geometry, dtype: object

Data Visualization!

In [56]:
import os
from mapboxgl import HeatmapViz, create_color_stops
In [57]:
#Mapbox token
token = os.getenv("MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN")

#Create a heatmap style
heatmap_color_stops = create_color_stops([0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1], colors="YlOrRd")
heatmap_radius_stops = [[9, 15], [20, 100]] #increase radius with zoom
intensity_stops = [[9, 0.01], [20, 0.3]]

#Create a heatmap 
heatmap = HeatmapViz("data/restaurants.geojson", 
                  color_stops = heatmap_color_stops,
                  radius_stops = heatmap_radius_stops,
                  intensity_stops = intensity_stops,
                  opacity = 0.9,
                  center = (11.25, 43.77),
                  zoom = 13
In [58]:

(Obligatory XKCD reference #2)

On Choropleths, data & color scales

  • "Many Areas" maps where each area is shaded proprtionally to the measured variable

In [71]:
# Load census tracts in Italy
census_tracts = gpd.read_file('data/R09_11_WGS84/R09_11_WGS84.shp')

# Subset to Florence's own
florence_tracts = census_tracts.loc[census_tracts["COD_ISTAT"]== 9048017]

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10fdf5f28>
In [72]:
# Spatial Join tracts with restaurants
restaurants_tract = gpd.sjoin(restaurants, florence_tracts, op="within")
Warning: CRS does not match!
In [73]:
print(restaurants.crs, florence_tracts.crs)
{'init': 'epsg:4326'} {'init': 'epsg:32632'}
In [74]:
# "In a Spatial Join, observations from to GeoSeries or GeoDataFrames are combined
# based on their spatial relationship to one another." [GeoPandas docs]
restaurants_tract = gpd.sjoin(florence_tracts.to_crs(restaurants.crs),restaurants)
In [75]:
# how many restaurants per tract?
480170060916    9
480170060969    6
480170060943    6
480170060671    5
480170060412    4
dtype: int64
In [76]:
# save variable
restaurants_count = restaurants_tract.groupby("SEZ2011").size().reset_index()

# Merge tracts with counts WITH original tracts
florence_tracts_restaurants_count = pd.merge(florence_tracts, restaurants_count, how="left", on="SEZ2011")

# keep only useful columns
florence_tracts_restaurants_count =  florence_tracts_restaurants_count[["SEZ2011","geometry",0]]

# rename columns
florence_tracts_restaurants_count.columns = ["SEZ2011","geometry","density"]

# assign 0 to areas without restaurants
florence_tracts_restaurants_count = florence_tracts_restaurants_count.fillna(0)

# re-project to EPSG 4326
florence_tracts_restaurants_count_prj = florence_tracts_restaurants_count.to_crs({"init":"epsg:4326"})
# save for later
# florence_tracts_restaurants_count_prj.to_file("data/restaurants_count.geojson",driver="GeoJSON")
In [77]:
import seaborn as sns
sns.distplot(florence_tracts_restaurants_count_prj["density"], kde=False, rug=True)
/Users/mferretti/.virtualenvs/pycon/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:6462: UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10f36b1d0>
In [92]:
from mapboxgl import ChoroplethViz, create_color_stops, jenks

# bin data with jenks classification alg.
jenks_classification = jenks(florence_tracts_restaurants_count_prj["density"].tolist(),7)
# [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 9.0]
In [93]:
# create choropleth from polygon features stored as GeoJSON
viz = ChoroplethViz("data/restaurants_count.geojson", 
                     color_stops=create_color_stops(jenks_classification, colors='YlOrRd'),
                     center=(11.25, 43.77),
                     access_token = token,  
                     height_property ="density",
                     height_stops = [[0, 0], [100, 250], [250, 500], [500, 1500]]
In [94]:

To Sum-Up:

  • overpass = sweet, sweet OSM geodata
  • geopandas = trustworthy companion in your geospatial toolbelt
  • mapboxgl = sprinkle eye candy dust
  • Honorable mentions: shapely,pysal, rasterio , osmnx

Thank you!
